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Achieve 360° of Reliability

Comprehensive reliability-centered programs for electric power distribution systems

What We Do

PowerPro 360 helps you achieve reliability by focusing on your electric power system’s two most important factors: your equipment and your people.

Your Equipment

Manage every asset of a power distribution system with clarity, certainty, and confidence. Our asset management program helps businesses plan, prioritize, trend, and consider the criticality and health of their maintenance programs and equipment assets.

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Your People

Train the people who work on the power distribution system to maximize safety and reliability. We provide must-have training with flexible formats and pricing for anyone who manages or maintains electric power systems, substations, or transformers.

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Our Services

Asset Management

Get an accurate assessment of your electric power equipment to maximize reliability. AssetPro gives you a clear picture of everything going on and how to predict and prevent downtime.

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Electric Power Training

Our training group has over 150 courses available on-demand and live online to meet your electric power training needs. Our training advisors will help you set up and track a training plan for your entire corporation.

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“75% of organizations do not have an existing corporate reliability program or a way to assess electric power reliability risks.”
HVES Focus Group
Senior Corporate Reliability

About Us

Based in Tallmadge, OH, PowerPro 360 has decades of experience in electric power reliability. Our dedicated staff of reliability professionals and training experts work to bring you solutions for electric power reliability’s greatest challenges. When it comes to your electric power distribution system, we can help you make sense of what you need for your equipment and your people. PowerPro 360 is a Good Place Holdings organization and a sister company of SDMyers, Inc.

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Contact Us

Take the first step in overcoming the challenges you face with managing your electrical equipment assets or training your electric power team. Please fill out the form, and one of our team members will get back to you.
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