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Ammeters, Meggers, and Wheatstone Bridge


Duration: 1h

This lesson describes Wheatstone bridges, megohmmeters, and clamp-on ammeters. This lesson provides examples of the use of these instruments, identifies their components, and defines their functions. This lesson also describes safety and selection considerations for their use, describes how to set up the instruments, how to connect them to the systems under test, and how to take and read measurements. This lesson describes how to take a resistance reading of a Three-phase AC motor with a megohmmeter, how to set mechanical and electrical zero on a Wheatstone bridge, and how to interpret a Wheatstone bridge reading. This lesson also defines the “record” and “lock” features of a clamp-on ammeter and describes how to modify the range of the meter for the best results.


  • Explain the use of a megger, identify its basic components and define its function
  • Describe the safety and selection considerations for using it, and describe the procedures for setting it up
  • Know how to attach the leads to the system and take a reading of a three-phase ac motor
  • Define a bridge circuit and identify the components and function of a Wheatstone bridge
  • Describe how to take a reading with a Wheatstone bridge and interpret it
  • Identify the components, range, function, and safety and selection consideration for a clamp-on ammeter
  • Describe the procedures for setting up a clamp-on ammeter, know how to take a reading and modify the range