Hand & Power Tool Safety
Series: Compliance
Credits: 0.2 CEU/2 PDH
Duration: 2h
This hand and power tool safety training course covers OSHA Hand and Power Tool Safety standards, focusing on General Industry 29 CFR 1910 Subpart P. Employees should be trained in the proper use of all tools and be able to recognize the hazards associated with different types of tools and required safety precautions.
Specific topics covered in this course include:
- Hand and Portable Powered Tool Safety
- Hand Tool Overview
- Portable Powered Tool Overview
- Injury and Fatality Statistics
- Applicable Regulations
- Key Terms
- Requirements for Using Portable Tools
- Guarding of Portable Powered Tools
- Other Guard Requirements
- Switches and Controls
- Electric Tools
- Pneumatic Tools
- Liquid Fuel Tools
- Portable Grinders
- Portable Abrasive Wheels
- Mounting and Inspection of Abrasive Wheels
- Explosive-Actuated Fastening Tools
- Maintenance of Explosive-Actuated Fastening Tools
- High-Velocity Tools
- Explosive-Actuated Fastening Tools: Loads and Fasteners
- General Operating Requirements for Explosive-Actuated Fastening Tools
- Misfires
- Power Lawnmowers General Requirements
- Walk-Behind and Riding Rotary Mowers
- Walk-Behind Rotary Mowers
- Riding Rotary Mowers
- Jacks
- Operation and Maintenance of Jacks
- Chainsaws and Other Logging Tools
- General Requirements
- Chainsaw Requirements
- Employer and Employee Rights and Responsibilities
- Employer Responsibilities—Equipment
- Employee Rights
- Employee Responsibilities
- Summary
- Resources
- Final Exam