Ionizing Radiation Safety
Series: Compliance
Credits: 0.2 CEU/2 PDH
Duration: 2h
This course presents an overview of the Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) Ionizing Radiation Standard, which is aimed at mitigating the dire effects of excessive exposure to ionizing radiation in occupational settings. The course covers a variety of topics related to ionizing radiation, including but not limited to the sources of ionizing radiation in occupational settings, the health risks of ionizing.
Specific topics covered in this course include:
- About This Course
- Course Objectives
- Introduction to Ionizing Radiation Standard Safety Training
- Regulatory Institutions and Agencies
- Key Terms
- What Is Radiation?
- Ionizing Radiation Versus Non-Ionizing Radiation
- Types of Ionizing Radiation
- Alpha Particles
- Beta Particles
- Neutron Radiation
- Gamma Rays and X-rays
- Ionizing Radiation Exposure
- Sources of Radiation
- Natural Radiation
- Man-made Radiation
- Exposure Pathways
- Routes of Internal Exposure
- Chronic Exposure
- Acute Exposure
- Health Effects of Exposure
- Health Effects of Exposure – Cancer
- Health Effects of Exposure – Genetic Mutation
- Safety and Health Programs and Practices
- Employer Responsibilities
- Employee Responsibilities
- Employee Training
- Record Keeping
- Radiation Emergencies
- Caution Signs and Labels
- Caution Signs and Labels – Exceptions
- Immediate Evacuation Warning Signal
- Immediate Evacuation Warning Signal – Design Parameters
- Notification of Incidents
- Summary
- Additional Resources
- Exam