Trenching & Excavation Safety
Series: Compliance
Credits: 0.2 CEU/2 PDH
Duration: 2h
This course is designed to assist both employers and employees to achieve compliance with OSHA standards regarding trenching and excavation safety. They will learn to identify hazards encountered when working in or near trenching and excavation sites and correction of these hazards, soil testing methods, trench protection systems, and general safety requirements.
Specific topics covered in this course include:
- About This Course
- Course Objectives
- Introduction to Trenching and Excavation Safety Training
- Regulations for Trenching and Excavating
- Definitions and Key Terms
- What Is an Excavation?
- Specific Excavation Requirements
- Underground Installations
- Entering and Coming Out of Excavations
- Other Hazardous Exposures
- Mobile Equipment
- Hazardous Atmospheres
- Emergency Rescue Equipment
- Protection from Hazards of Water Accumulation
- Stability of Nearby Structures
- Protection of Employees from Loose Rock or Soil
- Inspections
- Walkways
- Requirements for Protective Systems
- Design of Sloping and Benching Systems
- Design of Support Systems, Shield Systems, and Other Protective Systems
- Materials and Equipment
- Installation and Removal of Support
- Additional Requirements for Support Systems for Trench Excavations
- Working Above Employees Using Sloping and Benching Systems
- Shield Systems
- Soil Classification (Appendix A)
- Definitions
- Requirements of Soil Classification
- Acceptable Visual Tests of Excavation Sites
- Acceptable Manual Tests of Excavation Sites
- Sloping and Benching (Appendix B)
- Requirements for Sloping and Benching
- Configurations of Sloping and Benching Systems
- Slope Configurations for Excavations Made in Type A Soil
- Slope Configurations for Excavations Made in Type B Soil
- Slope Configurations for Excavations Made in Type C Soil
- Slope Configurations for Excavations Made in Layered Soils
- Timber Shoring for Trenches (Appendix C)
- Aluminum Hydraulic Shoring for Trenches (Appendix D)
- Alternatives to Timber Shoring (Appendix E)
- Selection of Protective Systems (Appendix F)
- Employer and Employee Responsibilities
- Summary
- Additional Resources
- Final Exam