Construction Asbestos Awareness
Series: Compliance
Credits: 0.2 CEU/2 PDH
Duration: 2h
This asbestos awareness training course covers requirements for regulating asbestos exposure in the construction industry. The focus of this course is to familiarize you with the standard for safely working with materials that may contain asbestos. This course was developed primarily for use in North America, but certainly is appropriate for international audiences.
Specific topics covered in this course include:
- Course Introduction
- Course Description
- Course Approach
- Course Layout
- Lesson 1: Introduction
- Class I Asbestos Work
- Class II Asbestos Work
- Class III Asbestos Work
- Class IV Asbestos Work
- Permissible Exposure Limits
- Competent Person
- On-site Inspections
- Training Program & Requirements
- Lesson 2: Exposure Assessment and Monitoring
- Initial Exposure Assessment
- PEL (or Permissible Exposure Limit)
- Employee Exposure Measurements
- Exposure Monitoring
- Affected Employees
- Medical Surveillance Program
- Medical Exams and Consultations
- Maintain Employee Records
- Regulated Areas
- ACM Discovery Notification
- Warning Signs and Labels
- Lesson 3: Methods of Compliance
- Exhaust ventilation equipped with HEPA-filter dust collection systems
- Wet methods or Wetting Agents
- Enclosure or Isolation of Processes Producing Asbestos Dust
- Ventilation of the Regulated Area
- Negative Pressure Enclosure Systems
- Feasible Engineering and Work Practice Controls
- Lesson 4: Work Practices
- Respirators
- Respiratory Program
- Respirator Fit Test
- Protective Clothing
- Decontamination Area
- Equipment Room
- HEPA-filter Dust Collection Systems
- Vinyl and Asphalt Flooring
- Final Exam