Electrician Level 1
Credits: 11 PDH
Duration: 11h
This Learning Plan consists of 10 courses specifically grouped together for the Level 1 Electrician. These courses cover subjects and topics in electrical print reading, electrical theory, and safety. They are excellent for the training of entry level electricians as well as a refresher for the intermediate level electrician and the multi-craft training needs of process and manufacturing facilities.
Included Courses
This course addresses electrical safety requirements to safeguard employees and contractors who work near exposed energized parts, electrical equipment, and wiring in hazardous locations. This training is designed to help protect persons exposed to dangers such as electric shock, electrocution, fires, and explosions.
This lesson shows and explains how to read and interpret the symbols on an electrical schematic the function of the input, logic, and output elements of a control circuit. This lesson identifies devices that are typically used as these elements, and presents their schematic symbols. This lesson also describes the steps for interpreting the relationships among the input, logic, and output components of an electrical schematic.
This lesson presents information about three types of electrical diagrams: building diagrams, single-line diagrams, and wiring diagrams. This lesson explains how to identify components, equipment, wire and cables on these diagrams how to relate the diagrams to the installed hardware and how to use diagrams for maintenance and troubleshooting problems.
This lesson shows and explains how a basic DC electrical circuit operates and how voltage, current, and resistance behave in a series circuit, a parallel circuit, and a series parallel circuit. Procedures for using Ohm’s Law to calculate voltage, current, and resistance in a circuit are also provided.
This lesson covers the basic characteristics of AC circuits including the relationship between voltage and current flow in an AC circuit, the way in which AC voltage is induced, and the cause and effect of inductance and capacitance in AC circuits. The lesson shows and explains how to use a sine wave to interpret changes in AC voltage over time, how to determine the frequency of AC voltage, and how to recognize the effects of inductance and capacitance in AC circuits.
This lesson shows how three-phase AC voltage is generated and describes different characteristics of three-phase voltage. The lesson introduces two types of winding electrical connections with graphic demonstrations of their effect on voltage and current. Also presented are transformers and the way in which they affect voltage and current.
This lesson presents the physical and electrical properties of different semiconductor material types and how current flows through each type. The lesson shows codes and symbols for diodes and how to interpret schematic drawings and manufacturer’s markings on diodes. Operating characteristic curves and zener diodes are also explained.
This lesson presents the basic operating theories of electronic power supplies, half-wave rectifiers, full-wave rectifiers, full-wave bridge rectifiers, capacitive input filters, and inductive input filters. The lesson shows how to calculate the expected DC output voltage for a half-wave rectifier, full-wave rectifier, and full-wave bridge rectifier.
This lesson describes the operating principles and function of transistors, SCR’S, and triacs and shows how current flows through each device. Schematic symbols for transistors, SCR’S, and triacs are also shown and explained.
This lesson covers how digital electronic components process and transmit information, the principles of operation of basic logic gates, and how the binary number system can be used to represent information.