Series: Basic Skills Learning Plan: Applied Mathematics Learning
Duration: 1h
This lesson teaches participants how to add, subtract, multiply, and divide fractions.
- Identify a simple fraction and its components
- Find equivalent fractions
- Reduce fractions to lowest terms
- Change improper fractions to mixed numbers
- Change fractions to decimal equivalents
- Estimate answers
- Add fractions with common denominators
- Add fractions with different denominators
- Add fractions using pencil and paper
- Add fractions using a calculator
- Subtract fractions with common denominators
- Subtract fractions by regrouping whole numbers
- Subtract fractions by regrouping mixed numbers
- Subtract fractions using a pencil and paper
- Subtract fractions using a calculator
- Multiply simple fractions
- Multiply fractions and whole numbers
- Multiply fractions and mixed numbers
- Multiply fractions using a pencil and paper
- Multiply fractions using a calculator
- Divide simple fractions
- Divide fractions and whole numbers
- Divide fractions and mixed numbers
- Divide fractions using pencil and paper
- Divide fractions using a calculator