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Electrician Level 2


Duration: 14h

This Learning Plan consists of 12 courses specifically grouped together for entry to mid-Level Electricians. Courses cover topics regarding test equipment; trains participants to understand the operation and troubleshoot electrical control equipment; instructs how to identify and apply the basic materials of a conduit system; and covers the important safety subjects of Lockout/Tagout and Arc Flash safety. This program is excellent for the training of electricians and electronic technicians as well as for the multi-craft training needs of process and manufacturing facilities.

Included Courses

This course presents an overview of measures to reduce hazards presented by arc flash events. It will cover basic electrical concepts, circumstances that can present the risk of arc flashes, electrical industry safety standards, and hazard control measures when work responsibilities cause you to work on or near equipment at risk for arc flash. Because of the nature of arc flash events, we will review the regulations for both electrical and fire safety.

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    This General Industry online training course covers the OSHA Control of Hazardous Energy (Lockout/Tagout) standard. This course is targeted to employees of organizations that work around energized machines or equipment. No prerequisite knowledge is required.

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      This lesson explains and demonstrates the use of both analog and digital oscilloscopes. Participants will learn the controls on each type of oscilloscope, how to use a probe with an oscilloscope, how to set up an oscilloscope, and how to determine various measurements taken with an oscilloscope.

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      This lesson demonstrates and explains how to use both a digital and an analog multimeter. During this lesson, voltage, resistance, current, capacitance, and frequency are measured. This lesson also describes some of the more common features of a digital multimeter.

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      This lesson describes Wheatstone bridges, megohmmeters, and clamp-on ammeters. This lesson provides examples of the use of these instruments, identifies their components, and defines their functions. This lesson also describes safety and selection considerations for their use, describes how to set up the instruments, how to connect them to the systems under test, and how to take and read measurements. This lesson describes how to take a resistance reading of a Three-phase AC motor with a megohmmeter, how to set mechanical and electrical zero on a Wheatstone bridge, and how to interpret a Wheatstone bridge reading. This lesson also defines the “record” and “lock” features of a clamp-on ammeter and describes how to modify the range of the meter for the best results.

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      This lesson provides instructions and interactions concerning general conduit bending and installation, in accordance with the National Electrical Code (NEC). This lesson defines a conduit system, lists general specifications for use of types of conduit, and introduces the major components or materials of a basic conduit system. This lesson also demonstrates and provides instruction on general methods and practices for cutting, cleaning, bending and installing conduit.

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      This lesson describes fuses and circuit breakers, and how they work. This lesson shows and explains maintenance, testing, removing, and installing fuses and circuit breakers. This lesson discusses molded case, multiple, and ground fault circuit breakers.

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      This lesson describes limit switches, how they work, how to recognize them, and typical applications they are used in. This lesson discusses maintenance, troubleshooting, and adjustment requirements for the various limit switches.

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      This lesson describes switches, coils and overloads. This lesson explains the type and operation of switches and overload relays. This lesson covers the testing of switches and coils. Participants will learn the proper way to verify that a circuit is de-energized, and how to determine component malfunctions by use of circuit diagrams, manufacturer’s literature and continuity checks.

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      This lesson describes Magnetic Starters. This lesson explains the parts of a magnetic motor starter and its operation. This lesson discusses the correct procedures for troubleshooting a magnetic motor starter. Participants will learn the proper way to determine the malfunction by use of schematic diagrams, manufacturer’s literature, continuity checks, and voltage and resistance tests. This lesson also defines and demonstrates reversing magnetic motor starters.

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      This lesson presents a basic procedure for troubleshooting electrical control circuits. The lesson shows and explains how to gather information about the symptoms, how to verify the symptoms, and how to use the schematic diagram to locate the cause of the problem. The lesson also shows how to perform continuity checks on the circuit and replace any defective components.

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      This lesson explains the design and operation of inverter drives, and describes control features provided by inverter drive systems. This lesson provides procedures for inspecting and maintaining inverter drives, and gives explanations of common error messages.

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